Friday, February 1, 2008

Too Good to be True

I knew that something funny was going on after I had downloaded the Qtrax software. When I had first heard about Qtrax, the music file sharing software that was supposed to provide free music to its subscribers, I had jumped for joy, at least inwardly. The downloads were supposed to be paid for by advertisers, so no worries there, right? WRONG! Dead WRONG!! I thought that there may have been something awry with my computer because I was unable to start downloading, but alas, I have just found an article from SKY News,,91221-12508,00.html that basically says that the record companies deny ever giving Qtrax permission to distribute its music. I knew that these companies would NEVER, EVER give out their stuff so easily, but when I had first heard about Qtrax on the news, I figured it was a go. But of course, you should never take what you hear, see, or read in the media at face value, but why do I keep making the same mistake? Now, qtrax is on hold. It's as if music downloaders have tasted the fruit of Eden like Eve, and the record companies are like God, telling them that they are banished, or something like that, lol! Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.