Sunday, February 17, 2008

Was Aretha Franklin Overreacting?

Hi World,
Even though the Grammy Awards ceremony was a week ago (boy, time really flies!) I wanted to comment on something. It was interesting how Aretha Franklin attacked Beyonce for her calling Tina Turner a "queen." On one hand, I can see how Aretha, the Queen of Soul, would be upset. She has worked very hard to get where she is today in the music business. She has been known longer than Tina Turner has, and look what happens. Aretha is lumped together with some other singers, and Tina Turner is the queen. On the other hand, maybe Ms. Franklin should chill out. I mean, when u look at Beyonce's package, it's obvious that Tina Turner is an influence. Aretha should have taken it as Tina Turner being a queen to Beyonce, and not a queen to everyone. It was a mistake for Aretha to complain to the press about it because it shows that she is insecure. I mean, with no disrespect to the Queen of Soul, but you may have the voice, but Tina Turner has the body, and looks often trump true talent, especially in the entertainment industry. Don't worry Aretha, Beyonce calling someone else the queen over u isn't going to make you NOT the queen anymore. It should, though, make you think about how others see you. Again, with no disrespect, but you need to lose some weight. I mean, A LOT of weight. It's getting to the point where it is not only unhealthy, but people have been making cruel jokes about it. You may not be young, but you are still alive and an amazing singer. This whole Beyonce thing should have been your wake up call to change up ure image. Im juat saying. U don't have to listen to me or anyone else. What do I know, I'm just a blogger, right?