Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

hooray for snow days,
I just found out that i don't have my 5:30 pm class today. This is the second week that i haven't had that class. It's a shame cuz ive actually finished the assignment on time (lol).
it feels strange to have so much time off, but it's awesome!

Awesome quote:
Woman has the right to let someone in, or to tell them to come back another time, or even to have a sign that says NO SOLICITORS. Woman has the right to be exhalted, cherished and respected. Woman has the right to choose, to choose for herself, for her own body, for her own life. - Margaret Cho

It's weird when u suddenly don't have school cuz ure wondering what to do with all of that free time.

Im proud of myself cuz i finally finished ROOTS. It was tough to get through, but worth it. It's a movie that everyone should see. It's funny that im watching it now cuz it's the 30th anniversary (Jan 1977) since it came out.

1 comment:

Kandi said...

Girl u knew I had to comment u! Why didn't u tell me u had one lol.
I have one Snow day u r so lucky. ciao