Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

hooray for snow days,
I just found out that i don't have my 5:30 pm class today. This is the second week that i haven't had that class. It's a shame cuz ive actually finished the assignment on time (lol).
it feels strange to have so much time off, but it's awesome!

Awesome quote:
Woman has the right to let someone in, or to tell them to come back another time, or even to have a sign that says NO SOLICITORS. Woman has the right to be exhalted, cherished and respected. Woman has the right to choose, to choose for herself, for her own body, for her own life. - Margaret Cho

It's weird when u suddenly don't have school cuz ure wondering what to do with all of that free time.

Im proud of myself cuz i finally finished ROOTS. It was tough to get through, but worth it. It's a movie that everyone should see. It's funny that im watching it now cuz it's the 30th anniversary (Jan 1977) since it came out.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Grammy Thoughts

I am trying to do reading for my children in the media class, but as usual, I'm procrastinating!

The grammys were actually awesome last night. i didn't feel like it dragged. At the end of it, I was kind of sad that it was over! One of the only things I didn't like is when Christina Aguilera sund James Brown's This is a Man's World, and she screamed at the end. That gave me chills, and not in a good way! That girl who won the My Grammy competition was ok. She reminds me of Amerie. It was funny when Scarlett Johansson was asking if Don Henley had any advice for her since she is recording her first album, and he said a curt, "No." I felt kind of bad for her, but she didn't have to ask. Maybe Henley was kidding, but i don't think so. I am happy that the dixie chicks got so many accolades, but i kind of wished that mary got best album, because i actually have that album and i love it. I should give country more of a chance. I like the Dixie Chicks as well as Carrie Underwood. I'm very happy that she won Best New Artist. Kind of disappointed Christina Aguilera didn't win anything. I hate when the music comes up as an artist is doing his or her acceptance speech. Maybe Mary was taking too long with hers, but cmon grammy academy, it's Mary ! All I'm hoping for is that Lily Allen is nominated for something next year. Im listening to her album ( That I got for 10 dollars at Virgin Megastore, thank u very much!), and so far, it's awesome!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

A Crazy Last Week

Did u know that I only had class for 1 day last week? Having days off is great, but I think that I am starting to become lazy!

I still can't believe that Anna Nicole died. She was a crazy broad, but she didn't seem mean or anything. People have all sorts of theories as to how she passed, but I think it was either drugs, or a heart attack, or even both. I think the whole Danilyn paternity and her other child dying also added to the stress. I think the Larry dude is the father, but I just don't get how Howard K.Stern let Anna have another boyfriend. He has ALWAYS been around, so much so that I always considered him to be her boyfriend. It's just weird. And now zsa zsa gabor's husband has something 2 say. ru kidding me? he just wants attention. And have u heard the rumor that the marshall guy Anna was with had his sperm frozen, meaning he could be danilyn's father? WTF! Just sad!

Anywho, i had attended the Justin Timberlake concert on Wednesday night, which was extremely enjoyable. I was sitting in the 300s, which wasn't that far. The concert ran a little long, though. I enjoyed the Dick in the Box ending. Im kinda sorry I missed some of Pink's set, cuz I needed 2 use the bathroom after the Chai Latte I had (lol), but why is she opening for him? Shouldn't she have her own tour, or is it that her album flopped so badly that she needed to leech off of someone with a successful album? Oh well!


Hello cyberspace!
For those who don't know, I'm Katrina, and here's my blog. I will write my thoughts and ideas on the world as I know it here. Feel free to make comments, and enjoy!